Laboratory & Assessment Services

Blood testing

Blood tests are used in to provide a diagnosis or to rule out/in conditions & diseases. Commonly ordered tests include: iron levels, cholesterol panels, vitamin D & B12, and hormones.  Dr Spark ND uses blood testing often to get to the root causes of symptoms. 

A requisition form is required for the blood draw, and these test are not covered by OHIP when ordered by a naturopath. These tests can be ordered by any licensed naturopathic doctor in Ontario.

Food sensitivity IgG

Food sensitivities present with a variety of symptoms such as gastrointestinal discomfort, bloating, diarrhea, headaches, skin rashes, and fatigue. Food sensitivities are not a food allergy, but rather, a “delayed hypersensitivity”.  

A blood sample is taken and the levels of IgG Immunoglobulin G antibodies are assessed. IgG are produced in the blood in response to food you eat and what you are sensitive to, and may be a sign of a a leaky gut or dysbiosis. 

Cortisol & adrenal testing

Adrenal cortisol testing is useful for monitoring and assessing stress hormone (cortisol) production in the body from the adrenal glands.  The adrenal glands respond to stress, and levels of these hormones can impact energy, weight, sleep, and fertility. 

A 4 point saliva cortisol test is commonly used. Samples are collected at 4 points points of the day (Morning, lunch, afternoon, before bed). This testing helps to understand your  adrenal function, dys-regulation and “adrenal fatigue”.

Stool & microbiome testing 

A stool sample can tell us a lot about the digestive system and gut health. A stool sample may be assessed for bio-markers of intestinal inflammation, microbiome flora, parasites, and more! 

There are a variety of options, and price points range, depending on the underlying symptoms, medical history, family history, and the goals of treatment. 

Hormone testing

Assessment of certain hormones, such as estrogens, thyroid TSH, insulin, progesterone, cortisol, DHEA, FSH, and testosterone can offer incredibly useful information about your health concerns. Hormones can be tested in blood, saliva, and urine. Testing hormones helps understand imbalances, and the root causes of your hormonal symptoms.

Blood testing is the most common and affordable method of testing. Saliva spit testing can be useful in certain states or when during hormone replacement therapy.  Saliva testing is reliable, convenient and easy to do at home, and can be useful for monitoring levels while using HRT (hormone replacement therapy).

Additionally, urinary hormones metabolites, like those seen in the DUTCH urine hormone test can be helpful for hormone imbalances.

Breath testing

Breath testing can be used to assess for small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), as well as H. pylori infection of the stomach.

Patients drink a solution and perform timed breath samples which are analyzed for the types and amounts of gases that are present in their breath samples. These tests are done either at LifeLabs with a technician, or an at-home kit. 

Urine testing

Urine testing is done in-office, at the laboratory (LifeLabs), or through an at-home kit. Urine testing can cover a lot of different health topics depending on which test is ordered and what the health concerns are. 

Urine testing provide information about bladder infections, kidney function, heavy metal toxicity, hormone levels, and other important aspects of health.  Urine organic acids testing can be useful for hormone imbalances, mood, neurodivergent disorders, and much more! 

Physical exams

Dr. Kristin Spark ND uses in-office physical exams to get more objective information about your state of health and well being. These assessments are only possible for in-office patients, and are not offered to virtual consultation clients.  

Blood pressure checks, abdominal examinations, and taking your weight, height and body measurements are commonly used physical examinations to assess health. 

Individual prices of testing varies. Please inquire to learn more about specific prices.

Appointments are always required in order to receive testing, as test are only recommended when clinically indicated and as part of a patient treatment protocol.


If you are interested in Dr. Kristin’s services, send us a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can!